Sunday, December 16, 2007

My 1st tag!!

Got tagged by suzanna and she forced me 2 do the tag and she nvr wrote my name...grrr....

Part 1:On the Outside
Name:Tiang Quie Zhen
Date of Birth:3 February 1993
Current status:Single la....still got wat
Eye colour:black gua
Hair colour: balck &brown gua(my hair becomes brown because the sun)
Lefty or Righty:Righty la...
Zodiac sign:Aquarius

Part 2:On the Inside
Heritage:Chinese.Hock Chew(not really lot of ppl dunno bout it....btw not really noe how 2 talk in this language...hehexD)
Your fear:not really fear to something...ermm....maybe fear when a motorist pass by me cause scart they will do something
Your weakness:very lazy....cant concentrate to something
Your perfect pizza:Pizza Hut's pizza with a lot of cheese....must hav a lot of cheese....

Part 3:Yetserday,Today&Tomorrow
Your thoughts first waking up:Aiya...can i wake up the alarm
Your bedtime:dunno.....not really constant....evryday not same de....
Your missed memory:I think that this 2 years of band life...having lots of fun and always fight with family and friends for someproblems....

Part 4:Your Pick
Pepsi or coke:i prefer vanilla coke
McD's or Burger King:McD
Single or Group dates:Group dates la
Adidas or Nike:anything la
Lipton tea or Nestea:sorry i dont drink tea for a long time...btw my house only hav chinese tea
Chocolate or Vanilla:chocolate
Capuccino of Coffee:capuccino

Part 5:Do You
Smoke:of course no la....i hate those smoker because they took away my grandma
Curse:if that person really makes me curse them
Drink:when there is available i sure get a cup of it

Part 6:In the Past Month
Drank alcohol:yap
Gone to mall:yap
Been on stage:yap
Eaten singapore
Dyed your hair:nope.....still underage

Part 7:Have You Ever
Played a stripping game:No
Change who you were to fit in:i think so nope

Part 8 :Age
you're hopping to be married:when is suitable

Part 9:In a guy
Best eye colour:no idea...nvr think this thing before
Hair colour:dunno
Short/long hair:dunno

Part 10:What were you doing?
One minute ago:doing this tag
One hour ago:watchin a korean drama named the coffee prince 1st shop
One month ago:Practicing my piano and always go 2 school 4 practice
One year ago:in a blur blur condition....

Part 11:Finish the sentences
I love:to do what i like 2 do
I feel:so confused cause the time passes so fast
I miss:my children's time
I need:to improve everything including in academic...get 8A's haha...and improve my playing skills

Part 12:Tag 5 People
3.Fuei lo
4.i hav no idea...

i hav use a lot of time 2 do this tag...
so long man....

my 1st tag!!

1 comment:

annazus. said...

I do wrote there
" YOU! Who is now reading my blog "
Means who reads my blog also need to do the taggy laaa. =D