Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Tiring day...

today is public holiday...
but early in the morning...
mom forced me and bro 2 go 2 an office in kl and dunno do what
so bored at there..
met stephanie and kar yee at the pasar seni station
today i met a lot band member
after that i went to cineleisure to meet suz and kim...
then we went shopping
i bought a shirt 4 mpyo
so lucky that there were sales
somemore 70%...haha
then kim went home
i and suz went 2 ikano...
we tried a lot of clothes but juz for fun
we also met li-lin at padini...
afterthat i went home juz left suz at there
how bad i m.....hehe
then went to eat dinner with my neighbours...
we went to eat crabs
long time nvr eat crab especially the cheese crab
it is so delicious
but unlucky that when i eat halfway
suddenly headache make me dont hav mood 2 eat....
it is so tired....my leg
from morning i walked till noon....
but i m so happy that at last i have bought the shirt that i wanted but i cant buy that lovely t-shirt...haiz

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