Friday, January 11, 2008

Long time nvr update

sorry that long time never update my blog
i m so lazy 2 update la almost 1 month liao la.haha.
so school started liao but i m a6 this year.none of my form band member same class with me.
haiz so sien in the class.
this year f3 liao then all those teacher on the 1st period are talking our pmr and giving lecture about us pressure veri irritating la.
but i really like my class teacher.she is a good sejarah teacher but she teach very fast until i need 2 study only i noe what is she teaching about.
others teacher are ok especially the kh teacher.she is marvelous and fantastic.hehe.
but i really hate my maths teacher.haiz her look very boring and make me feel boring haha.

i think that is only about my new year in the school.dunno still got wat.hehe.
my brain beome kosong liao la.

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